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social security administration中文是什么意思

用"social security administration"造句"social security administration"怎么读"social security administration" in a sentence


  • 社会安全管理局
  • 社会保障局
  • 社会保障署


  • The tendency of labor and social security administration being inclined to arbitration and its rectification
  • Outcomes were followed using subsequent questionnaires , social security administration death records , and state cancer registries
  • An 81 - year - old american , myron manders , wants the us social security administration to know that he still is alive in cleveland , ohio . the problem is , it doesn ' t seem to be listening
  • According to the principle of promoting law - based administration and enforcing laws strictly , labor and social security administration departments at all levels have constantly strengthened their law enforcement and established or improved labor security supervision organizations
  • According to the tentative provisions issued by the state council , the ro has to appoint a designated foreign enterprises service company to do the payroll and social security administration . international and bilateral agreements the international agreements china has acceded to may have different provisions from the domestic laws and regulations in respect of the scope of business activities
  • The introduction briefly deals with the writing background present situation of the research , the train of thought concerting the wring , research goal as well as research techniques . the main text is divided into four parts , namely social security constitutional government rationale ; executive power vicissitude and social security administration main body development ; the social security administration opposite party right development with exercises the way transformation ; social security relief system . the first part is the wring guide and thought origin
用"social security administration"造句  
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